Why join our amazing club?
Membership benefits:
20% off drinks in the Members Bar
10% off most food and drink in the Fred Perry café
Significant discounts off tickets for most events.
Part ownership of the Club
New Members
Want to become a member of the Brentham Club? You can simply register with valid personal details and pay online, and your card will be ready to collect within 14 days. This is the preferred method for joining.
However, if you cannot join online, come to the Club and collect a New Members Form from the café or bar, complete the form with accurate information and pay the membership fee through the till using a debit/credit card
Existing Members
Want to renew your existing membership for another year? Brentham Club membership runs from 1 April to 31 March - click on the button above to renew. You must ensure that your details are up-to-date
If you want to change your membership to a different section, please complete the enquiry form below detailing your request - we'll get back to you when we've made the change and then you can renew
Membership Types
Annual Subscriptions
1 April 2024 - 31 March 2025
For tennis membership please refer to the more detailed breakdown of categories and prices below. Information about special rates for new members (less than half-price for some categories) or pro-rata subscriptions can be obtained by filling in the enquiry form below or emailing
New membership is £130
New membership aged 65+ is £105
Existing membership is £260
Existing membership for aged 65+ is £235
New membership is £30 from 6 January 2025
Existing membership renewal is £90
(Do not join online as requires approval from the Section)
New membership is £30 from 6 January 2025
Existing membership renewal is £50
(Do not join online as requires approval from the Section)
New membership is £40 from 6 January 2025
Existing membership renewal is £100
(age18+ only)
Social only
New membership from now until 31 March 2025 is £20
Existing membership renewal remains at £50
(Only Tennis/Bowls/Cricket/Football membership includes the use of the Showers)
(see breakdown below)
New and Existing membership £25-£465
Tennis family
( 2 parents and up to 3 children under 19)
New and Existing membership £930
BRENTHAM CLUB Tennis Subscriptions 2024-2025
Adult Senior 65+ £400
Adult 40 -64 £465
Adult 30 -39 £325
Adult 19 -29 £170
Student - Full-time within M25 £125
Student - Full-time outside M25 £80
Junior – 11-18 £82
Junior – 8-10 £40
Junior – under 8+ £25
Tennis Family ** £930
** Tennis Family – 2 parents plus up to 3 children under 19years.
All categories below must discuss their membership status with the tennis chair, Vice or Membership Secretary before their membership application will be accepted.
Full-time students must provide proof to the tennis committee as above, if requested.
Rate for returning students studying and living outside the M25 studying and living outside the M25 and back in Ealing for the holidays - £65 a year (Pro-rata 1 October and 1 January)
For returning ill/injured members, the Tennis Committee will consider applying flexibility if they are still unfit in April of the new subscription year.
Rate for visitors who do not live in London but are here for a clearly limited few months will be 30% over their respective monthly pro-rata rate.
If a current member moves permanently more than 25 miles from the club, reduced membership rates will be considered at renewal time if requested.
Membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March.
Please apply to or contact a committee member for more information.