The Management Committee
The Club is run by a group of volunteer members. We are always looking for additional Committee members; please contact Jane A'Court if you are interested ( We are currently particularly looking for building management and legal skills, but people with any experience welcome.
However you don't need to be on the Management Committee to help - the Brentham Club has always relied on volunteers, and we welcome any help from our members.
The current team is:-
Chairman: Colin Hearn (Chair, Events)
Treasurer: Lefty Pittakidis (Finance, Bars)
Membership: Jane A'Court (Membership, HR, Fireworks)
Sponsorship: Anthony Coyle-Dowling (Sponsorship, Insurance, Legal, Marketing)
Website: Julia Honigsberger (Website, Safeguarding, Health & Safety)
Marketing & Communications: Colin Hearn, Julia Honigsberger, Jane A'Court, Anthony Coyle-Dowling
Grounds: Mark Langley-Sowter (Grounds)
Catering: Shuks Williams (Catering, Cafe)
Project Management: Shuks Williams (Project Management)